Welcome parents! We are glad you and your child(ren) are interested in mountain biking. Please contact us if you have additional questions.

What is Central MTB?
St. Paul Central mountain bike team (MTB) is a club for riders in 6th - 12th grade. We are a volunteer-run program with licensed coaches to help mentor, train, and enrich the experience for kids in the awesome sport of mountain biking.
What is MCA?
Founded in 2012, the Minnesota Cycling Association is the parent organization that manages races, oversees coach licensing, and handles student-athlete registration. Its mission is to promote strong minds, strong bodies, and strong character, fostering personal growth and community through cycling.
What is MCA GRRLS?
MCA GRRLS is dedicated to attracting and retaining female student-athletes, coaches, and volunteers. While programs provide equal opportunities, true equality requires acknowledging that females may need different approaches at times to feel genuinely welcome.
Team Eligibility
6th -12th grade students attending almost any St. Paul school (see below)
Home-schooled students living within District 625 boundaries
Not Eligible
Students attending Highland Park high school or middle school
Tuesday: 5:30-7:30pm
Thursday: 5:30-7:30pm
Saturday: 9:30-11:30am
Student athletes and their parents are responsible for transportation to and from practices. If this is an issue, there is a carpool channel in our team app where other parents may be able to help.
Note: MCA rules do not allow coaches to help with transportation.
Equipment & Fees
Bike & Other Required Equipment
$500+ - mountain bike. If you're unsure what type of bike to get, please contact us for guidance. Other maintenance costs include replacing tires, the chain, brake pads, cables, etc.
$60 - helmet
$25 - gloves
$100 - cycling shoes
$50 - protective eyewear
Fees & Dues
$100 - MCA athlete registration
$xxx - St. Paul Central MTB dues
$150 - race entry fee for all 5, or $50/race (racing is optional)
$60 - team jersey (only required if racing)
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up?
Complete the sign up form and we will send all the details about registration and paying fees.
Can parents ride?
We love having parents that want to help out. You can participate in one ride (after signing a waiver) before you need to register as a coach.
What's the time commitment?
Practices are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings. The season is July 1st through mid-October. Participation is flexible based on your schedule.
Is racing required?
Participation in races is optional. Students are welcome to join practices and enjoy the sport without racing.
How long are the races?
Races are typically a 4-mile cross-country style loop. Length varies per grade. 6th, 7th & 8th graders do one lap. Freshmen and JV2 do two laps. JV3 does three laps. Varsity does four laps.